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United Economic

Committing resources to project preparation stands as an essential cornerstone in ensuring the creation of financially viable and enduring infrastructure.

United Economic

Preparation Fund.

The United Economic Preparation Fund (UEPF) serves as a multi-donor entity designed specifically to offer technical assistance grants. These grants are intended to bolster the preparation phase of top-tier, financially feasible projects for the benefit of UEDF Members, particularly those within less developed regions. The endeavors supported by these grants during project preparation are of paramount significance, aiming to elevate the caliber of projects while safeguarding economic, environmental, and social sustainability, ultimately ensuring their readiness for successful implementation.

Activities Covered By

United Economic Preparation


Infrastructure projects typically entail a high level of complexity, necessitating prolonged commitments of both public and private resources. They often involve intricate engineering designs and bear economic, environmental, and social repercussions. Among the members of the United Economic Development Fund (UEDF), several lack the capacity or resources essential for developing such complex infrastructure projects. In numerous instances, clients have concluded pre-feasibility studies or formulated initial project concepts. However, owing to resource constraints, these projects face stagnation as they fall short of meeting the criteria of being deemed "bankable" by financiers.

UEPF grants may cover the following activities:

  1. Carrying out or updating feasibility studies.
  2. Preparing or updating environmental, social, financial, legal, social or technical assessments. 3. Preparing or updating environmental and social management plans or frameworks.
  3. Preparing detailed engineering designs.
  4. Consulting with project-affected people.
  5. Obtaining advisory services during the procurement process for project preparation and implementation.
  6. Purchasing small equipment, such as computers and other information technology products such as software, but only if required to conduct the project preparation activities.
  7. Assessing client and stakeholder capacity and conducting training for capacity building.
  8. Obtaining technical assistance (including training and capacity building) to establish a fully operational unit or entity for project implementation.
  9. Preparing critical documents and systems such as a draft operational manual, a project delivery strategy, procurement plan or a project implementation plan.
  10. Preparing monitoring and evaluation systems

Project preparation activities that cannot be supported by UEPF grants include:

  1. Paying or supplementing the salaries of government employees.
  2. Purchasing or renting vehicles.
  3. Renting office space or equipment.
  4. Conducting upstream work (such as sector work and master plan).
  5. Conducting project pre-feasibility studies

Member Eligibility

UEPF grants can be provided to or for the benefit of UEDF members. which are: 1. Eligible to receive financing from the International Development Association (IDA). 2. Not eligible to receive IDA financing but have substantial development needs and capacity constraints. It should be noted that preference is given to UEDF members .eligible to receive IDA financing.

Project Eligibility

UEPF grants become viable considerations when the project is under assessment for financing from multilateral banks (MLB). This signifies that the project has met specific prerequisites: Successfully navigated through MLB's Project Screening Committee. Earned inclusion within MLB's dynamic Rolling Investment Pipeline.

Grant Transparency

Each grant allocated through UEPF adheres rigorously to conflict-of-interest regulations, ensuring transparency and impartiality in its allocation. Moreover, the fund strictly adheres to the International Development Association's (IDA) procurement protocols, meticulously following the established bidding procedures to maintain fidelity and fairness in the allocation of grants. 1. Has passed MLB’s Project Screening Committee. 2. Has been included in MLB’s Rolling Investment Pipeline.



The UEPF provides technical assistance grants for preparing bankable infrastructure projects. Through these grants, clients can hire experts and consultants to carry out the required preparation work.

Project preparation activities supported by these grants are critical to improve project quality, ensure bankability in terms of economic, environmental and social sustainability and implementation readiness.

Upon a project's successful passage through the UEPF's Project Screening Committee and subsequent inclusion in the UEPF's Rolling Investment Pipeline, the client, in coordination with the UEPF project team, may submit a fully completed Application Form to petition for a UEPF grant. This submission necessitates comprehensive information addressing preparation gaps, funding prerequisites, and rationale for the utilization of the UEPF grant, among other essential elements.

The UEPF project team will scrutinize the application, conducting an in-depth assessment, and may subsequently develop a proposal advocating for the grant's approval, predicated on their evaluation. This proposal will then proceed to the UEPF 's Special Funds Committee for review and recommendation to the President for sanctioning, provided that the cumulative sum of all UEPF grants allocated for a specific project remains below USD 5 million. Conversely, if the total grants surpass this threshold, the proposal advances for further consideration by the Board of Directors. Upon endorsement, the UEPF and the client formalize their accord through a grant agreement, facilitating disbursements as outlined by the conditions and schedule stipulated within the agreement.

Assuming the client's submission meets all prerequisites and offers comprehensive information, coupled with a compelling rationale for the UEPF grant, the approval process typically concludes within a window of three to four weeks from the date of UEPF's receipt of the grant application.

Project preparation stands as an indispensable facilitator in the realm of infrastructure development and has emerged as a pivotal cornerstone within the strategic blueprint of the UEDF. This strategic approach aims to elevate infrastructure to the status of an asset class. The preparatory phase encompasses a spectrum of crucial elements, spanning from conceptualization, prioritization, feasibility studies, and socio-economic impact evaluations to intricate financial and contractual structuring. Bolstering these competencies will not only reinforce the status of infrastructure as an asset class but also serve to avert inefficiencies throughout the project execution phase.

Committing resources to the preparation phase of projects is imperative for the delivery of infrastructure that is both financially viable and environmentally sustainable.

If you require additional details about the information on this webpage, please send us an email:

Please download the UEPF Pdf Application.

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