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Our mission is to invest in companies that not only generate financial returns but also create meaningful social impact, ultimately growing our principal to empower future fund leadership.

We direct our investments toward themes that target challenges and opportunities aligned with the mission of the United Economic Development Fund. We allocate debt and equity capital, engaging in both direct and indirect investments, typically ranging from $3 million to $100 million per investment. Our flexibility allows us to consider larger investments and craft innovative financing solutions tailored to the specific requirements of our investees.

Our philosophy is that investment portfolios built through the integration of credit research, quantitative analysis, and risk management can achieve consistent excess returns for clients with a high information ratio. This research-based process applies across all of our investment strategies.
Initial Screening

Our long-term-oriented approach focuses on fundamental bottom-up security selection through our relative value framework, with an emphasis on risk management and risk budgeting. We review all submissions, and a member of our team will reach out once the form is completed.

Our investment approach.

We believe that access to an actively managed and well-researched portfolio of flexible investments can play an important role in helping you reach your financial goals. Utilising our range of Investment Funds generally allows investors greater diversity and flexibility than individual direct investments.

We follow a disciplined approach with clearly defined investment objectives. Operating with a strong compliance culture, we do take into account responsible investment.

We are active investment managers. We are patient, disciplined investors and are prepared to research deeply to find and exploit mispriced securities. We also incorporate quantitative models and economic relationships to help us see and understand the businesses we invest in. Finally, we overlay our experience and judgement to build portfolios.

We seek attractive, risk-adjusted returns. There is no return without risk. But when risk is mispriced, there can be opportunity. Our analysis focuses on identifying opportunities, understanding risk, and investing where the returns justify it. This helps us to avoid over paying for the promise of future growth.


We adopt a flexible investment approach. We believe investors benefit from diversification across and within asset classes. Our investment style seeks opportunities in all market cycles. Cyclical, defensive, value, and structural growth stocks along with income securities – we will invest in them all when the time is right and the return for risk is fair.

We believe that environment, social and governance (ESG) factors need to be considered in investment decision making. As active investment managers we aim to engage with the companies we invest in. However, where we’ve identified companies that cause significant harm and determined that engagement is unlikely to bring about positive change, we will place them on a prohibition list.


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United Economic Development Fund is a worldwide investor with a long-term perspective, driven by our mission, and focused on shaping the future.



A consortium comprising central bankers, financial officials, regulators, and leaders from both public and private sectors.



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