On 26 June, the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth launched eduGuichet, a digital platform that bundles access to various digital services for parents and pupils. This makes consulting personal documents and carrying out administrative procedures related to the Luxembourg education system easier, more efficient and more accessible to parents and pupils.

The platform www.eduguichet.lu offers a wide range of services, from early childhood and elementary education to secondary education, adult education and music education. The eduGuichet currently offers around fifteen services. The range of services will be extended and developed in the future.

“The eduGuichet is a decisive step forward in the digitalisation of educational services. With this new platform, we are making it easier for parents and students to deal with administrative formalities and we are making a qualitative leap forward in monitoring the educational activities of children and young people,” said Minister Claude Meisch.

eduGuichet – digital documentation for better monitoring of pupils

eduGuichet modernises the ongoing documentation of learner progress and results. The new digital platform improves the accessibility, storage and organisation of key documents. Thanks to its centralised access, eduGuichet provides parents and learners with a complete overview of their child’s educational career and other services related to the care of children and young people. The digitisation of educational services also speeds up administrative procedures and improves efficiency.

eduGuichet – a personalised and secure space

eduGuichet has been designed as a fully responsive web application that can be used with any standard web browser on a computer, tablet or smartphone, without having to download an application. Access is by strong authentication via LuxTrust.

After logging in for the first time, parents or guardians and pupils (from grade 7 in secondary education) can access a wide range of online services related to the public school or educational institution in which the pupil is enrolled.

  • In the “Enseignement” (education) section, for example, parents/students can generate a school certificate, copies of school reports, intermediate certificates, vocational training certificates, final examination results, etc.
  • In the “Éducation non formelle” (non-formal education) section, parents can apply for a childcare voucher card (myCard fir Staark Kanner).
  • In the ‘Restopolis’ application (secondary school catering), parents can consult their children’s consumption history, load their Restopolis account, consult menus and reserve meals.
  •  A particularly interesting application for the start of the new school year is “myBooks”, which allows users to consult the catalogue of compulsory and optional textbooks for secondary education and to select free textbooks, which can then be collected from bookshops.
  • The results of the final examinations in general and lower secondary education are now published directly in the “BAC” application for students in their final year.

To find out more about eduGuichet, visit www.eduguichet.lu.

Press release by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth  


