When a schoolyear ends, many schoolbooks are no longer used. They are often left untouched to gather dust at home or even thrown away. Such actions have significant environmental consequences!

Since the introduction of free schoolbooks in secondary education in 2018/2019, the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth has been offering a voucher worth 50% of the new value of the schoolbooks in question to students who take them back from a former student.

To further encourage students to give school books they no longer use a second life and reduce their environmental impact, the Ministry is launching the “Upbooking” campaign.

The Upbooking initiative encourages students to recycle their old textbooks by giving them to other students who will use them for the next school year, helping to reduce the large amounts of paper, plastic and ink used in the production of textbooks.

The Upbooking campaign is being promoted through a variety of media in Luxembourgish and French: posters, bookmarks, stickers, leaflets, a video clip, the website www.upbooking.lu, a radio spot and banners on websites.

Secondary schools were invited to organise an event in their school during the last week of school before the summer holidays to encourage and facilitate the exchange of textbooks between pupils.

Press release by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth  

