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A Global Shift in Energy
Space for Building a Sustainable
Power Value Chain

Solar Energy
Geothermal Energy
Hydroelectric Energy
Wind Energy
Coal, Oil & Gas Energy
Clean Energy

Power Generation Needs Will Triple By 2050

The Preview warns that a lack of progress further increases investment needs and calls for a systematic change in the volume and type of investments to prioritise the energy transition.

Although global investment in energy transition technologies reached a new record of USD 1.3 trillion in 2022, yearly investments must more than quadruple to over USD 5 trillion to stay on the 1.5°C pathway. By 2030, cumulative investments must amount to USD 44 trillion, with transition technologies representing 80 per cent of the total, or USD 35 trillion, prioritising efficiency, electrification, grid expansion and flexibility.

Renewable Energy Investments: These investments involve renewable sources of energy, such as solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power. These sources of energy are sustainable and have a lower environmental impact than traditional fossil fuels. Investing in renewable energy can include buying shares of companies that produce renewable energy, investing in renewable energy funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or purchasing bonds or debt instruments issued by renewable energy companies.

Fossil Fuel Investments: These investments involve traditional sources of energy, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. While these sources of energy have historically been reliable and profitable, there is increasing concern about their environmental impact and the finite nature of these resources. Fossil fuel investments can include buying shares of oil and gas companies or investing in mutual funds or ETFs that hold these types of investments.

Energy Efficiency Investments: These investments focus on reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industrial processes. Examples of energy efficiency investments include investing in companies that produce energy-efficient appliances or materials, or investing in energy efficiency funds or ETFs.

Energy Storage Investments: These investments involve developing and producing energy storage technologies, such as batteries, to store excess energy generated by renewable sources for use during times of low energy production. Energy storage investments can include buying shares of energy storage companies, investing in energy storage funds or ETFs, or purchasing bonds or debt instruments issued by energy storage companies.

Clean Technology Investments: These investments focus on developing and producing technologies that have a lower environmental impact than traditional technologies. Clean technology investments can include investing in companies that produce electric vehicles, clean water technologies, or sustainable agriculture technologies.

Infrastructure Investments: These investments involve financing the construction and maintenance of energy infrastructure, such as pipelines, power grids, and transmission lines. Infrastructure investments can include buying shares of infrastructure companies or investing in infrastructure funds or ETFs.

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